Research Article

The Influence of 3′UTRs on MicroRNA Function Inferred from Human SNP Data

Figure 1

Distribution of SNP density, DAF, MAF on the 3′UTRs of miRNA and non-miRNA target genes. (a) The distribution of SNP density for 500 nucleotides both upstream and downstream of miRNA target sites. Each asterisk represents the average SNP density for a 20 nucleotide window size. The average SNP density from non-miRNA target genes is depicted in solid lines. Dotted lines indicate the 5′ end of miRNA target sites. P values are from Fisher’s exact tests comparing between each bin and those from non-miRNA target genes. (b) SNPs for both miRNA and non-miRNA target genes were separated into 10 bins with DAF increment of 0.1, and the fraction of SNPs in each bin was computed. (c) SNPs for both miRNA and non-miRNA target genes were separated into 10 bins with MAF increment of 0.05, and the fraction of SNPs in each bin was computed.