Research Article

TRC120038, a Novel Dual AT1/ETA Receptor Blocker for Control of Hypertension, Diabetic Nephropathy, and Cardiomyopathy in ob-ZSF1 Rats

Figure 2

(a) Percent change in MBP over 19 hr after dosing at 12 weeks of age in male ob-ZSF1 rats treated with vehicle and different doses of TRC120038 (dose 1: 1.26 mg/kg; dose 2: 11.8 mg/kg; dose 3: 45.5 mg/kg, p.o., bid.) and candesartan (dose 1: 0.03 mg/kg; dose 2: 0.3 mg/kg; dose 3: 1.0 mg/kg, p.o., od.). in each treatment group. vehicle versus candesartan dose 2 and 3 and vehicle versus TRC120038 dose 3 by RMANOVA. (b) Weekly average MBP profile (mean of 0–19 hr) in male ob-ZSF1 rats upon treatment with vehicle, TRC120038, or candesartan ( , 11, and 10 resp.) for 25 weeks. versus vehicle; TRC120038 versus candesartan by one way ANOVA with multiple comparison using Tukey post hoc test. Also, for vehicle versus TRC120038 treatment and TRC120038 versus candesartan treatment by RMANOVA.