Review Article

Importance of Lipopolysaccharide and Cyclic β-1,2-Glucans in Brucella-Mammalian Infections

Figure 4

Predicted pathways of LPS O-antigen and core molecule biosynthesis. Brucellae derive all sugars from glucose. Green arrows indicate the reactions leading to the synthesis of the monomeric O-antigen subunits, which are polymerized onto bactoprenol (pathway indicated in blue). The complete O-antigen is then transported to the periplasmic face of the inner membrane by the ABC transporter system Wzm/Wzt and ligated to lipid A molecule by the O-antigen ligase WaaL. Pathways leading to the biosynthesis of the core molecule are indicated in red. Hexagons indicate whether mutants in the respective genes are affected in the biosynthesis of the O-antigen (OAg) or the sugar core molecule (Core). Dotted arrows indicate abbreviated pathways involving the defined enzymes.