Research Article

Molecular-Based Identification of Actinomycetes Species That Synthesize Antibacterial Silver Nanoparticles

Table 3

The closest match species from GenBank database with sequences of KDT32 and KGT32 isolates.

IsolateAccession numberLength (bp)GC content (%)Closest matchAccession numberIdentityQuery coverage (%)E-value

KDT32MH30108998658.32Streptomyces sp. MBE174AB873097.199% (985/986)1000.00
KGT32MH30109094859.6Streptomyces sp. strain SP4-AB2MH013316.199% (946/948)1000.00

“Isolate” is the code of our strain isolated from Thika waste damped soil “Length (bp)” is the total size of the 16S rRNA gene sequence obtained from the isolate; “GC content” is the ratio of Guanine and cytosine base pairs from the total sequence of our isolate: the star () indicates that the results were confirmed from both EzTaxon-e and NCBI-BLASTn databases; Closest match” is the most similar species from the database to our isolate; “Accession number” is the 16S rRNA gene sequence ID of the most similar species; “Identity is the similarity of 16S rRNA gene sequence of our isolate and the closet match species sequence; “Query coverage” is the ratio of the sequence from our isolate aligned to the closest species obtained from the database.