Research Article

Epidemiology of Respiratory Pathogens in Children with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Impact of the Multiplex PCR Film Array Respiratory Panel: A 2-Year Study

Table 1

Paediatric patient demographics and clinical characteristics (n = 534).

 Male310 (58.1)
 Female224 (41.9)

Age in months (mean/median)17.6 (4)
 Age range
 <6 months292 (54.7)
 6 months to 1 year114 (21.3)
 1 to 2 years42 (7.9)
 2 to 5 years40 (7.5)
 >5 years46 (8.7)

Clinical diagnosis
 Bronchiolitis180 (33.7)
 Severe bronchiolitis with respiratory distress235 (44)
 Pneumonia83 (15.5)
 Pertussis31 (5.8)
 Influenza in immunocompromised children34 (6.3)
 Other20 (3.7)

Season of admission
 Autumn104 (19.5)
 Winter200 (37.5)
 Spring151 (28.3)
 Summer79 (14.8)