Research Article

Epidemiology of Respiratory Pathogens in Children with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Impact of the Multiplex PCR Film Array Respiratory Panel: A 2-Year Study

Table 2

Prevalence of respiratory pathogens in the five age groups (n = 534).

Total no. of samplesTotal no. of negative samples (%)Total no. of positive samples (%)Total no. of co-infections samples

[<6 months]29271 (24.4)221 (75.7)69 (23.6)
[6 months-1 years]11432 (28.1)82 (71.9)28 (24.6)
[1-2Years]4211 (26.2)31 (73.8)13 (31)
[2–5 years]408 (20)32 (80)3 (7.5)
[>5 years]4625 (53.2)21 (45.6)6 (13)
Total534147 (27.5)387 (72.5)119 (22.3)

(i) All group . (ii) compared with <5 y, .