Research Article

Perception of COVID-19 and Vaccine Acceptance among Healthcare Workers

Table 3

HCWs’ work experience with COVID-19.

Total (451)Physicians (156)Nurses (295) value

Participated in the prevention and control of the pandemic272 (60.3%)109 (69.9%)163 (55.3%)0.003¥
Received other vaccines in the past 3 years218 (48.3%)84 (53.8%)134 (45.4%)0.089¥
Received seasonal influenza vaccine in the last 3 years201 (44.6%)63 (40.4%)138 (46.8%)0.194¥
Got COVID-19 infection239 (53.0%)86 (55.1%)153 (51.9%)0.509¥
Method of diagnosis
 Clinical presentation163 (36.1%)76 (48.7%)87 (29.5%)<0.001¥
 Laboratory investigation91 (20.2%)35 (22.4%)56 (19.0%)0.385¥
 Chest CT109 (24.2%)43 (27.6%)66 (22.4%)0.221¥
 PCR68 (15.1%)32 (20.5%)36 (12.2%)0.020¥

Statistically significant at value <0.05; ¥chi-square test.