Research Article

Perception of COVID-19 and Vaccine Acceptance among Healthcare Workers

Table 5

Self-perceived risk of COVID-19 among HCWs.

Do you think you are at risk of getting COVID-19 in the next 1 year?Total (451)Physicians (156)Nurses (295) value

No I am confident I won’t get infected46 (10.2%)10 (6.4%)36 (12.2%)0.025¥
Yes, but I think that I will get mild symptoms which will probably not require hospitalization220 (48.8%)90 (57.7%)130 (44.1%)
Yes, but I think that I will get moderate symptoms which will probably need hospitalization98 (21.7%)34 (21.8%)64 (21.7%)
Yes I am concerned that I will get severe symptom which will probably require admission to the intensive care unit33 (7.3%)9 (5.8%)24 (8.1%)
I believe I already have the disease and I am immune to it (not diagnosed by a test)31 (6.9%)10 (6.4%)21 (7.1%)
No, I already have recovered and won’t get reinfected (diagnosed by a test)23 (5.1%)3 (1.9%)20 (6.8%)

Statistically significant at value <0.05; ¥chi-square test.