Research Article

Characterization of Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (Hv-Kp): Correlation of Virulence with Antimicrobial Susceptibility

Table 2

Differentiation of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates into classical (C-Kp) and hypervirulent (Hv-Kp) type based on phenotypic and genotypic markers.

Isolated fromTotalVirulence markerK. pneumoniae type (%)
Hyper-mucoviscousAerobactin geneC-KpHv-Kp

Blood (central line)35050431 (88.6)04 (11.4)
Biopsy (deep tissue, etc.)070007 (100.0)0
BAL030003 (100.0)0
Exudate (pus/Drain/Abscess/Swab)18050513 (72.2)05 (27.7)
ET suction tip13040211 (84.6)02 (15.4)
Fluids (CSF/Pleural)04010103 (75.0)01 (25.0)
Sputum04010103 (75.0)01 (25.0)
Urine45070540 (88.8)05 (11.1)
Total1292318111 (86.1)18 (13.9)

% isolates in each type of infection; classification as Hv-Kp was based on possession of Aerobactin gene.