Research Article

Analysis of Amino Acid Changes in the Fusion Protein of Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus from Vaccinated Poultry in Nigerian Isolates

Table 10

Point mutation pattern along fusion protein of study isolates compared to reference LaSota strain KU665482.1.

ID virus isolateNucleotide at indicated position along the fusion gene

OK491971 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 14AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491972 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 36AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491973 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 48AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491974 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 55AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491975 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 56AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491976 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 71ACT (N476T)GAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)
OK491977 Avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolate KN 75AATGAC (N479D)GCA (E482A)AAC (R486N)AGA (K494R)TCA (T498S)

Variable positions along functional sites in the fusion protein showing nucleotide substitution compared with LaSota KU665482.1 vaccine strain as reference. Not all substitution resulted in mutation because of degeneracy nature of amino acid. Italic positions show substitution site. Reference strain. Vaccine strain. Study isolates. HR: heptad repeats; A: adenine; G: guanine; C: cytosine; T: thymine.