Research Article
Toward a Theory of Normalizing Function of Interestingness Measure of Binary Association Rules
Table 1
Probabilistic quality measures of expression.
| | Measures | Expressions of |
| 1 | Cost multiplying | |
| 2 | Example counter-example | |
| 3 | Informal gain | |
| 4 | Odd-Ratio | |
| 5 | Conviction | |
| 6 | Sebag | |
| 7 | | |
| 8 | Rucel and Rao Index | |
| 9 | Confidence or precision | |
| 10 | Recall | |
| 11 | Interest or Lift | |
| 12 | Laverage | |
| 13 | Centered confidence | |
| 14 | Confirmed confidence | |
| 15 | Certainty factor | |
| 16 | Gras implication | |
| 17 | Piatesky-Shapiro | |
| 18 | Cosinus | |
| 19 | Loevinger | |
| 20 | Cohen ou Kappa | |
| 21 | Addiction | |
| 22 | Novelty | |
| 23 | Czekanowski-Dice | |
| 24 | Relative risk | |
| 25 | Negative reliability | |