Research Article

Prevalence of APOL1 Risk Variants in Afro-Descendant Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in a Latin American Country

Table 1

Baseline characteristics.

CharacteristicsAll patients n = 102Low risk n = 64High risk n = 38 value

Age, year, mean (SD)48 (13)49 (13)46 (12)0.2859
Age at start of dialysis, mean (SD)40 (13)41 (14)38 (12)0.4210
Sex, male, n (%)58 (57)35 (55)23 (60)0.565
Comorbid condition, n (%)
 Arterial hypertension90 (88)56 (87)34 (89)0.765
 Diabetes7 (6.2)5 (8)2 (5)0.622
 Peripheral vascular disease16 (16)13 (21)3 (8)0.083
 Autoimmune disease6 (5.8)6 (9.7)00.050
Etiology ESRD, n (%)0.108
 Unknown84 (82)48 (75)36 (94)
 Lupus nephritis5 (5)5 (8)0
 Diabetic nephropathy5 (5)5 (8)0
 Polycystic disease4 (4)3 (4.7)1 (2.6)
 Others4 (4)3 (4.7)1 (2.6)