Research Article

Cardiovascular Risk Factor Profiles and Disease in Black Compared to Other Africans with Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 3

Arterial function in Black compared to other African chronic kidney disease patients overall and in sensitivity analysis among predialysis and dialysis patients.

Arterial functionChronic kidney disease patients
All patientsPredialysis patientsDialysis patientsIntergroup comparisona
Black African (n = 46)Other African (n = 69)Model 1aModel 2bBlack African (n = 19)Other African (n = 48)Model 1aModel 2bBlack African (n = 46)Other African (n = 69)Model 1aModel 2b value

Partial RpPartial RPartial RpPartial RPartial RpPartial R
PWV (m/s)12.0 (3.8)11.4 (4.4)0.1260.20.0310.812.2 (3.5)10.9 (3.7)0.2300.090.2100.111.9 (4.1)12.2 (5.5)0.0160.9−0.1430.40.6
Aix (%)66.6 (16.4)66.8 (16.7)0.0890.40.0300.873.3 (18.0)64.5 (15.7)0.2990.030.2290.162.2 (14.0)71.8 (18.2)−0.1700.3−0.2230.20.08
RWP (mmHg)25.0 (13.8–29.0)20.5 (15.0–25.0)0.1000.20.1520.124.0 (14.0–29.0)19.5 (13.5–23.0)0.2800.040.3070.0325.0 (13.0–29.0)21.5 (15.8–30.5)0.1260.40.0370.80.1
Rm (%)67.4 (16.8)67.2 (16.6)0.0990.30.0470.774.3 (18.4)64.9 (15.6)0.3090.020.2500.0962.9 (14.4)72.3 (18.2)−0.1590.3−0.2130.20.08
CSBP (mmHg)136 (22)127 (17)0.2650.0060.2250.02132 (21)125 (15)0.2510.040.3610.005139 (22)132 (22)0.2080.20.0740.70.03
CPP (mmHg)50 (19)43 (13)0.2920.0020.2470.0151 (20)41 (11)0.3670.0030.3900.00250 (18)48 (17)0.1420.40.0560.70.04
PPP (mmHg)64 (22)54 (16)0.2830.0020.2400.0165 (23)53 (13)0.3580.0030.4050.00164 (22)59 (21)0.1480.30.1130.50.03
FWP (mmHg)35.2 (12.1)31.1 (9.5)0.2040.040.1590.132.5 (12.9)30.4 (19.2)0.0970.50.1510.337.0 (11.5)32.6 (10.2)0.2510.10.2090.20.1

Descriptive results are expressed as mean (SD) or median (interquartile range). Significant associations are shown in bold. aAdjusted for age and sex; badditionally adjusted for height, weight, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure; cfor differences among Black and other African predialysis and Black and other African dialysis patients. PWV, pulse wave velocity; Aix, augmentation index; RWP, reflected wave pressure; Rm, reflection magnitude; CSBP, central systolic blood pressure; CPP, central pulse pressure; PPP, peripheral pulse pressure; FWP, forward wave pressure.