Research Article

The Effectual Spectrum Defragmentation Algorithm with Holding Time Sensitivity in Elastic Optical Network (EON)

Table 2

Multi-constrained defragmentation algorithm (MCDFA).

Multi-constrained defragmentation algorithm (MCDFA)

Step 1: initialize the network status
Step 2: initialize the network parameter N(V, L)
V is the number of nodes, and L is the number of links between the nodes
Step 3: each arrivals R(s,d,D,Gb)
 s-Source, d-Destination, D-Demand, and Gb-Gurd bands
Step 4: find all possible routes(ki)
 Construct routing table Rt with respective modulation format and number of FSs using Equation (2)
Step 5: for each kido
Find the best RSA constraint (N, D) for from Equation (5) for spectrum allocation
if the exact route is found from Equation (7) then
 Choose the channel from Equation (6) for RSA ← route + spectrum allocation policy
  Allocate Ri to the network
   Reallocate neighboring connections of N,
    Find the best RSA constraint (N, D) for from Equation (5) for spectrum allocation
   if an exact route from Equation (7) is found then
    Choose the channel from Equation (6) for RSA ← route + spectrum allocation policy
    Allocate Ri to the network
   if FSs cannot assign &&  > FItthen
  goto step 6:
    Block the connection request Ri
   end if
  end if
Step 6: Rc: set of connections that may be a necessity for reconfiguration
Rl: connection leaving
Pr(x): present route, Nr(x): next route
if RcReconfigure Then
  for each link RcPr(x) then
  Rc← Connection path share with some link Rl (which is occupied high FSs)
   While RcØ do
   Ri occupied the lowest FSs in Rc
    if Ri(shifted upper to lower optical path then
     Rc shares FSs with Ri (which is Occupied High FSs)
    end if
   end while
  end for
  for each link RiPr(x) and RcPr(x) then
   if new available FSs minimum required FSs for (Nr(x)) then
    Reassign route Pr(x) to Nr(x)
   end if
  end for
end if
Step 7: restart network parameters
Step 8: end loop