Research Article

Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Patients with Drug-Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Iran: Different Points of Children from Adults

Table 3

Relationship between each of the studied predictive factors with the length of hospitalization in patients using multiple logistic regression model.

PredictorsDays of hospitalization valueAdjusted OR95% CI for OR
≤8 (, 55.4%)>8 (, 44.6%)LowerUpper

Culprit medication0.020
Reason for drug administration0.017
 Undetermined/no data11.8715.60.5042.829.13459.921
Age group
 Pediatric (≤18y)2341.1817.
 Adult (>18y)3358.93782.21

Variables removed from first multiple logistic regression model regarding stepwise (backward LR) model reductions: sex, place of life, admission site, and time (days) to the onset of adverse effects, Mucosal involvement, Number of mucosal sites involved, sites of the lesion, temperature, and treatment. Omnibus test of model coefficients: ; -2 Log likelihood: 86.764; Cox & Snell R Square: .403; Nagelkerke R Square: .539; Hosmer and Lemeshow Test: .