Research Article

Sepsis Risk Factors in Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Public Hospitals in Southeast Ethiopia, 2020: A Retrospective Unmatched Case-Control Study

Table 3

Clinical signs of neonatal sepsis of neonates at public hospitals in Southeast Ethiopia, 2020. , , .

VariablesCategoryCase/control status
Case (%)Control (%)

Resuscitation at birthYes12 (12.4)8 (4.1%)
No85 (87.6)186 (95.9%)

Respiratory breaths/minYes70 (72.2)38 (19.6%)
No27 (27.8%)156 (80.4%)

GruntingYes59 (60.8%)7 (3.6%)
No38 (39.2%)187 (96.4)

Redness around umbilicusYes11 (11.3%)6 (3.1%)
No86 (88.7%)188 (96.6%)

High/low temperatureYes84 (86.6%)85 (43.8%)
No13 (13.4%)109 (56.2%)

Lethargic/unconsciousYes15 (15.5%)5 (2.6%)
No82 (84.5%)189 (97.4%)

Poor feedingYes36 (37.1%)4 (2.1%)
No61 (62.9%)190 (97.9%)

Severe chest indrawingYes34 (35.1%)3 (1.5%)
No63 (64.9%)191 (98.5%)