Research Article
An Efficient FPGA Implementation of Optimized Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering of Images
Table 4
Comparison showing resource utilization of the various optimized hardware architectures for image resolution 150 × 150 implemented in Virtex-5 LX110T OpenSPARC Evaluation Platform [
28] and Spartan 6 IVK [
29] realizing bilateral [
12] and anisotropic diffusion filtering.
| Percentage utilization | Image size (150 × 150) | Virtex-5 LX110T OpenSPARC FPGA (utilized/total number) (anisotropic diffusion) | Fully parallel and separable single dimensional architecture (bilateral filter) for the same OpenSPARC device | Avnet Spartan 6 industrial video processing kit (anisotropic diffusion) |
| Occupied slices | 5225/17280 | 6342 and 3144 | 3810/23038 | (30%) | (37% and 18%) | (16%) | Slice LUTs | 14452/69120 | 11689 and 8535 | 11552/92152 | (20%) | (17% and 12%) | (12%) | Block-RAM/FIFO/RAMB8BWERs | 1/148 | 22 and 22 | 2/536 | (1%) | (15% and 15%) | (1%) | Flip flops | 17309/69120 | 16167 and 5440 | 15214/69120 | (25%) | (23% and 8%) | (22%) | Bonded IOBs | 46/640 | 1 and 1 | 46/396 | (7%) | (1% and 1%) | (11%) | Mults/DSP48Es/DSP48A1s | 55/64 | 0 and 0 | 81/180 | (85%) | (0% and 0%) | (45%) | BUFGs/BUFCTRLs | 1/32 | 4 and 4 | 1 | (3%) | (13% and 13%) | (3%) |