Research Article

Epidemiology of High Fertility Status among Women of Reproductive Age in Wonago District, Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

A multivariable analysis of factors associated with fertility status in Wonago district, Southern Ethiopia, January 2018.

Exposure variablesHigh (354)
No. (%)
Low (158)
No. (%)
Crude OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Current age category
 25-34 years117 (53.2%)103 (46.8%)1.001.00
 35-44 years166 (82.2%)36 (17.8%)4.06 (2.59-6.35)2.94 (1.41-6.10)
 45 and above71 (78.9%)19 (21.1%)3.29 (1.90-5.83)3.39 (1.04- 6.05)
 Rural75 (19.6%)308 (80.4%)7.41 (4.76-11.50)4.88 (3.21-7.86)
 Urban83 (64.3%)46 (35.7%)1.001.00
Age at first birth
 <18 years230 (83.0%)47 (17.0%)1.001.00
 18 and above124 (52.8%)111 (47.2%)0.23 (0.15-0.34)0.34 (0.17-0.68)
Wealth index
 Low152 (72.4%)58 (27.6%)2.29 (1.18-5.30)3.62 (1.86-7.06)
 Middle90 (85.7%)15 (14.3%)1.97 (2.19-3.28)3.03 (1.21-7.58)
 High112 (56.9%)85 (43.1%)1.001.00
Knowledge of contraceptive
 Poor knowledge98 (85.2%)17 (14.8%)3.18 (1.82-5.53)3.13 (1.31-7.46)
 Good knowledge256 (64.5%)141 (35.5%)1.001.00
Birth interval
 <2 years233 (72.4%)89 (27.6%)1.001.00
 ≥2 years121 (63.7%)69 (36.3%)0.67 (0.46-0.98)0.26 (0.14-0.49)
Desire for children/before birth
 <538 (40.9%)55 (59.1%)1.001.00
 ≥558 (59.2%)40 (40.8%)2.10 (1.18-3.74)3.53 (1.60-7.79)
 As God given258 (80.4%)63 (19.6%)5.93 (3.61-9.64)6.97 (3.24-11.40)
Under-five child mortality
 No183 (56.1%)143 (43.9%)1.001.00
 Yes171 (91.9%)15 (8.1%)8.91 (5.03-11.77)5.32 (2.59-8.43)

Variables included in the model are as follows: current age, mother’s education, residency, wealth index, age at marriage, age at last birth, age at first birth, birth interval, want for more children, desire for children/before birth, ever aborted/still birth, contraceptive use, knowledge of contraception, and history of under-5 mortality.