Research Article

Association between Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sources of the Previous Point of Care among Nigerians: Findings from Three National HIV and AIDS Reproductive Health Surveys

Table 1

List of questions used to compute the knowledge of STI and HIV transmission and prevention.


ASTI Knowledge
1Can STIs prevent a woman from getting pregnant in future?
2Can STIs prevent a man from fathering children in future?
3Symptoms of STIs in women? Lower abdominal pain
4Symptoms of STIs in women? Genital discharge
5Symptoms of STIs in women? Foul smelling discharge
6Symptoms of STIs in women? Burning pain on urination
7Symptoms of STIs in women? Genital ulcers/sores
8Symptoms of STIs in women? Swellings in groin area
9Symptoms of STIs in women? Itching
10Symptoms of STIs in women? Painful Sexual Intercourse
11Symptoms of STIs in men? Genital discharge
12Symptoms of STIs in men? Burning pain on urination
13Symptoms of STIs in men? Genital ulcers/sores
14Symptoms of STIs in men? Swellings in groin area
HIV/AIDS & STI Transmission and Prevention

BHow can a person get the virus that causes AIDS?
1Sexual Intercourse
2Blood transfusion
3Mother to unborn child
4Sharing toilets
5Sharing sharp objects like razors
6Sharing needles
7Sharing eating utensils
8Mosquito bites/bed bugs

CWhat can a person do to avoid getting the virus that causes AIDS?
12Staying with one uninfected partner
13Using condoms every time
14Abstaining from sex
15Delaying the onset of sexual intercourse
16Avoiding sex with CSWs
17Reducing number of sexual partners
18Avoiding sex with people who have many sexual partners
19Avoid sharing of sharp objects like needles, razors
20Praying to God
21Using antibiotics
22Seek protection from a traditional healer

DCan the virus that causes AIDS be transmitted from mother to child?
1During pregnancy
2During delivery
3By breastfeeding
4Used any drug to prevent MTCT
5Aware of ART