Research Article

Major Anthropogenic Interactions Determining the Conservation Status of Endemic Mammals of Eastern Africa

Table 1

Multinomial logistic model shows determinant factors of the conservation status of endemic mammals from the EA, taking least concern and then data deficient category as a reference.

Conservation status (IUCN)ThreatsExp (β)95% CI for exp (β) (LCI, UCI)P value

Least concern (reference)
Near threatenedLimited distribution2.346(2.125, 3.640)≤0.001
VulnerableAgricultural expansion and deforestation2.650(1.142–6.149)0.023
Hunting3.910(2.328, 6.245)≤0.001
Limited distribution3.263(2.315, 5.542)≤0.001
EndangeredHabitat loss2.242(1.059, 4.745)0.035
Hunting5.463(2.437, 7.245)≤0.001
Critically endangeredAgricultural expansion and deforestation4.763(1.456, 5.585)0.01
Habitat loss4.722(2.355, 5.301)≤0.001
Disease2.560(4.167, 6.256)≤0.001
Hunting4.375(2.191, 4.824)0.011
Near threatened (reference)
Critically endangeredHabitat loss3.520(2.667, 5.846)0.003

Significant at 0.05 alpha level. Exp (β), Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR); CI for exp (β), confidence interval for the Adjusted Odds Ratio; LCI, low confidence interval; UCI, upper confidence interval).