Research Article

Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola Mixed Microbial Infection in a Rat Model of Periodontal Disease

Figure 3

Interproximal evaluation of alveolar bone loss. Radiographic vertical alveolar bone resorption (12 weeks of periodontal disease) in rats ( ) following mono infection with P. gingivalis or T. denticola and with the mixed infection. Each bar indicates the mean interproximal alveolar bone loss for distance measured between CEJ and ABC at mesial and distal sites of three molar teeth (6 sites). The error bars indicate standard deviation from the mean. An asterisk sign denotes significantly different from sham-infected control rats ( ). The # sign indicates significant difference comparing between mono bacterial P. gingivalis and the mixed microbial infected rats ( ) and & sign indicates significant difference comparing between T. denticola and the mixed microbial infected rats ( ). Pg, P. gingivalis; Td, T. denticola; Cont; sham-infected control.