Research Article

COVID-19 Whole-Genome Resequencing with Redundant Tiling PCR and Subtract-Based Amplicon Normalization Successfully Characterized SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Clinical Specimens

Figure 4

Distribution of undetermined nucleotides length in 304 clinical samples. Undetermined nucleotides with read depths less than five are analyzed using sequence reads from 25% downsampled, 50% downsampled, or whole-FASTQ data (100%) obtained from single MiSeq runs for the 304 samples. Distributions of the lengths of the undetermined nucleotides are shown in the violin plots, while the box plots show the 1st quantile, median, and 3rd quantile values. The blue line shows the threshold of 1495 bp, which is 5% of the whole SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence.