Research Article

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Superficial Fungal Infection among Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Central Nepal

Table 3

Direct microscopic examinations results of nondermatophytes mold with colony characteristics in SDA with their LPCB identification.

KOH wet-mount results/Direct microscopic examinationNumber of fungal elements observed in direct KOH wet-mount.Fungal colony morphological characteristics in SDALPCB identification

Dark, branched septate fungal hyphae seen.6Olivaceous-brown to blackish-brown colonies suede-like to floccose turning later into powdery colony due to the production of abundant conidia.
Olivaceous-black pigments in the reverse side.
Cladosporium species
Hyaline, branched septate fungal hyphae seen.2Green, velvety, wrinkled colony.
Not any pigmentation observed in the reverse side.
Penicillium species
Hyaline, branched septate fungal hyphae with acute angle branching seen.2Granular, flat colonies with radial grooves, yellow at beginning later quickly becoming bright to dark yellow-green.
Lemon yellow pigment in reverse side
Aspergillus flavus
Hyaline, branched septate fungal hyphae with acute angle branching seen.2Pale, bright-colored, fast-growing colonies with a cottony aerial mycelium. No pigmentation was observed in reverse side.Fusarium species
Brown branched septate fungal hyphae seen.1Woolly to velvety colony, suede like and olivaceous to black in obverse and reverse side.Phialophora species
Dark brown pigmented, branched septate fungal hyphae seen.1Dark brown and velvety, loose cottony at the center with black pigmentation in reverse side.Curvularia species
Dark, branched septate fungal hyphae seen with branched chains of large conidia.1Colonies appeared black to olivaceous-black or grayish and has suede-like to floccose appearance.Alternaria species
Hyaline, branched aseptate fungal hyphae seen.1White to grayish brown, fast-growing colonies resembling salt and pepper appearance.Mucor species
Plenty of budding yeast cells seen. (Arthroconidia was observed in LPCB mount and Gram staining prepared from culture)3Soft, smooth, mucoid, and orange pigmented colony in the obverse side.Rhodotorula species
White, small, creamy, and pasty colonyCandida species