Research Article

Cross Protectivity Analysis of 49.8 kDa Pili Subunits of S. flexneri against Vibrio cholerae Infection

Table 2

Compared to control, the difference in secretory IgA and β-defensin is secondary to Shigella vaccination.

Secretory IgA

GroupMean ± SD
Control group2.61 ± 0.30b0,02
Shigella-vaccinated group3.07 ± 0.11a


GroupMean ± SD
Control group2.80 ± 0.53b0,000
Shigella-vaccinated group4.70 ± 0.46a

There are statistical differences in font differences in superscribing, but if there is no statistical difference font that shows no differences in superscribing, and p is the value results of statistical evaluation. The statistical differences with (p≤0.05).