Research Article

Comparative Approach of Tracking COVID-19 in Balkan Countries Using Interactive Web-Based Dashboard

Table 1

Software used.


RProgramming languageVersion 4.2.1
ShinyWeb application framework for RVersion 1.7.2
Shiny dashboardCreate dashboards with ShinyVersion 0.7.2
ShinydashboardPlusAdd more components to ShinydashboardVersion 2.0.3
CovidregionaldataSubnational data for Covid-19Version 0.9.3
LeafletCreate interactive web mapsVersion 2.1.1
Tidy verseWorking with dataVersion 1.3.2
ScalesScale functions for visualizationVersion 1.2.0
DTWrapper of javascript library data tablesVersion 0.23
PlotlyCreate interactive web graphicsVersion 4.10.0
RColorBrewerColorBrewer palettesVersion 1.1–3
viridisLiteColorblind friendly color mapsVersion 0.4.0
RStudioR environment editorVersion 1.0.143