Research Article

[Retracted] Theoretical Correction of Viscosity Coefficient Measurement by Falling Ball Method

Algorithm 2

Drop Depth Prediction Program.
clc, clear;
%Input the actual parameters. It can generate physical situation
A = input (“A = ”);
C = input (“C = ”);
m = input (“m = ”);
t = input (“t = ”);
h = input (“h = ”);
eta0 = 0;
% Input estimated viscosity coefficient
eta1 = input (“Please input the expected eta in present temperature = ”);
%Input the maximum error we can tolerate
delta = input (“Please input the delta that you can accept = ”);
%Enter the loop, output when the condition is met
while abs (eta0-eta1) > delta
eta0 = eta1;
f = Ct/Aeta + (mC(exp(-Aetat/m)-1))/A^2eta^2;
%f1 is the derivative of f
f1 = −Ct/Aeta^2–2mC(exp(-Aetat/m)-1)/A^2eta^3-Cexp(-Aetat/m)/Aeta;
eta1 = eta0-f/f1;
fprintf (“Eta of the measured liquid is %.3f\n,” eta1)