Research Article

Effects of Dietary Thiamine Supplementation on Growth Performance, Digestive Enzymes’ Activity, and Biochemical Parameters of Beluga, Huso huso, Larvae

Table 3

Comparison of growth parameters in beluga fingerlings fed diets supplemented with thiamine.

IW (g)FW (g)PWG (%)SGR (%/d)Survival (%)

TS00.49 ± 0.002.26 ± 0.13a356 ± 30.8a3.61 ± 0.16a46.4 ± 1.23d
TS50.49 ± 0.002.63 ± 0.05b431 ± 4.73b3.97 ± 0.02b58.0 ± 0.04c
TS100.50 ± 0.003.79 ± 0.15c658 ± 30.0c4.82 ± 0.09c65.8 ± 0.35b
TS200.50 ± 0.003.55 ± 0.14c611 ± 29.0c4.66 ± 0.10c70.2 ± 0.11a

Values are presented as (mean ± SD). Different letters indicate significant difference among groups (n = 3, ). PWG (percent weight gain): 100 × (final weight − initial weight)/initial weight. SGR (specific growth rate): 100 × [(ln (final weight) − ln (initial weight)]/days. Survival percentage: 100 × (survived fish/initial fish).