Research Article

Stock Evaluation of the Euryhaline Cichlid, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch, 1790), from Significant Brackish and Freshwater Regions of India

Table 3

Descriptive statistics and estimated length-weight relationship parameters of three different stocks of E. suratensis from east and west coast of India.

StocknLength (cm)Weight (g) (gm.)a95% CL of ab95% CL of bRLogarithmic equation Log  = log a + blog L

CH1408.721.39.52590.7790.800–0.7563.8223.708–3.9360.9870.974Log  = log0.779 + 3.822 log L
WB16014.824882920.3490.406–0.2832.5752.367–2.5940.9630.928Log  = log0.349 + 2.575 log L
GJ1401225.652.33920.4280.495–0.3492.6022.439–2.7660.9450.894Log  = log0.428 + 2.602 log L

CH: Chilika-Odisha, WB: West Bengal, and GJ: Gujarat.