Research Article

Effects of Varying Dietary Protein Levels on Growth Performance, Survival, Body Composition, Haemato-Biochemical Profile, and Metabolic Responses of Hypselobarbus jerdoni (Day, 1870) Juveniles

Table 7

Haemato-biochemical parameters of H. jerdoni juveniles fed diets containing varying levels of dietary protein for the experimental period of 60 days.

ParametersTreatmentsSEM values

Serum total protein (g/dl)4.37a4.51a5.06b5.07b5.09b4.99b0.080.0000.0000.000
Albumin (g/dl)1.89a1.90a2.12b2.09b2.08b2.05b0.030.0050.0090.002
Globulin (g/dl)2.47a2.60b2.94c2.99c3.01c2.94c0.050.0000.0000.000

Mean values (n = 3) in the same column with different superscripts differ significantly (). aTreatment groups having graded levels of protein, i.e., TCP20, 200 g/kg protein; TCP25, 250 g/kg protein; TCP30, 300 g/kg protein; TCP35, 350 g/kg protein; TCP40, 400 g/kg protein; TCP45, 450 g/kg protein. bA/G, albumin-to-globulin ratio.