Research Article

Effects of Varying Dietary Protein Levels on Growth Performance, Survival, Body Composition, Haemato-Biochemical Profile, and Metabolic Responses of Hypselobarbus jerdoni (Day, 1870) Juveniles

Table 8

Oxidative stress enzyme activity of H. jerdoni juveniles fed diets containing varying levels of dietary protein for the experimental period of 60 days.

ParametersaTreatmentsSEM values

bSOD gill9.84b10.24b7.60a7.09a7.62a7.51a0.310.0000.0000.000
bSOD liver19.09b18.07b10.77a11.11a11.19a11.77a0.860.0000.0000.000
cCAT gill4.85b4.75b1.70a1.71a1.85a1.69a0.350.0000.0000.000
cCAT liver11.43b10.64b6.29a6.46a6.54a6.40a0.560.0000.0000.000

Mean values (n = 3) in the same column with different superscripts differ significantly (). aTreatment groups having graded levels of protein, i.e., TCP20, 200 g/kg protein; TCP25, 250 g/kg protein; TCP30, 300 g/kg protein; TCP35, 350 g/kg protein; TCP40, 400 g/kg protein; TCP45, 450 g/kg protein. bSOD, superoxide dismutase activity is expressed as 50% inhibition of epinephrine auto-oxidation/mg protein/min. cCAT, catalase activity is expressed as nanomoles of H2O2 decomposed/min/mg protein.