Research Article

Effects of Varying Dietary Protein Levels on Growth Performance, Survival, Body Composition, Haemato-Biochemical Profile, and Metabolic Responses of Hypselobarbus jerdoni (Day, 1870) Juveniles

Table 9

Carbohydrate and protein metabolic enzyme activity of H. jerdoni juveniles fed diets containing varying levels of dietary protein for the experimental period of 60 days.

ParametersaTreatmentsSEM values

GOTbGOT muscle25.1924.6620.1220.8924.6921.031.220.7610.4420.618
GOT liver18.06b18.22b15.41a15.59a18.65b18.15b0.350.0000.7940.021

GPTcGPT muscle24.8526.1921.8419.7327.8326.231.230.4820.7190.466
GPT liver5.16b5.33b4.52a4.61a5.37b5.09b0.090.0000.9220.042

LDHdLDH muscle9.46b9.48b6.79a6.48a6.53a6.30a0.350.0000.0000.000
LDH liver2.37b2.17b0.97a0.92a0.85a0.78a0.160.0000.0000.000

MDHeMDH muscle1.53b1.61b0.62a0.64a0.56a0.50a0.120.0000.0000.000
MDH liver0.680.810.750.580.780.950.060.7100.4070.491

Mean values (n = 3) in the same column with different superscripts differ significantly (). aTreatment groups having graded levels of protein, i.e., TCP20, 200 g/kg protein; TCP25, 250 g/kg protein; TCP30, 300 g/kg protein; TCP35, 350 g/kg protein; TCP40, 400 g/kg protein; TCP45, 450 g/kg protein. bGOT, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity is expressed as nanomoles of oxaloacetate released/min/mg. cGPT, glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity is expressed as nanomoles of sodium pyruvate released/min/mg protein. dLDH, lactate dehydrogenase activity is expressed in unit/mg protein/min. eMDH, malate dehydrogenase activity is expressed in unit/mg protein/min.