Research Article

Bus Route Design Problem for Rural Tourism Objectives: A Multiobjective Approach

Table 2

Rural scenery evaluation index and grading standard.

Evaluation contentDescriptionGrade

Mountain viewSolitary and single view, only distant mountains1-2
Multiple views, including distant mountains, medium distance views, and close-up views3–5

WaterscapeWater scenery and river valleys nearby1-2
Along the banks of streams, rivers, lakes, and seas3–5

Field and meadowSparse and untidy field grass1-2
Fields are neat and rich in variety or have large meadows3–5

Farmland and villageHave ordinary and irregular villages1-2
Farmhouses with moderate distance from a county road that have been environmentally improved to consist of an independent landscape3–5

ForestSolitary view with trees or a small woodland area1-2
Woodland views on both sides of the road3–5