Research Article

Connected Transit Bus Dynamic Priority Weight Modeling and Conflicting Request Resolution Control at the Signalized Intersection

Table 1

Notation table.


Time to change the current green phase
Time to change the current phase when the latest request is received
Time to change the conflict phase when the latest request is received
Red interval
Yellow interval
Maximum green interval of conflict phase
Minimum green interval of conflict phase
Maximum green interval of current phase
Minimum green interval of current phase
Red continued seconds for the priority requesting phase before turning to green
Dirac delta function
Extended green seconds
Part of green extension seconds to guarantee the bus passing through the intersection
Part of green extension seconds to discharge queued vehicles with avoidance of secondary queueing
Queueing vehicle departure flow speed
the distance to stop bar of the vehicle at the tail of the queue
Vehicle arrival flow speed pattern function relation with
Social vehicle arrival flow speed pattern function relation of phase
Phase index
Set of phase index
Expectation of vehicle arrival flow speed pattern of phase
Standard deviation of vehicle arrival flow speed pattern of phase
Unified dynamic priority weight function for single-vehicle DPW value calculation relation with
Unified dynamic priority weight function for single-vehicle DPW value calculation relation with of phase
Aggregated weighted dynamic priority weight function of transit bus for aggregated weighted DPW value calculation relation with of phase
Aggregated weighted dynamic priority weight function of social vehicle for aggregated weighted DPW value calculation relation with of phase
Aggregated weighted dynamic priority weight function for aggregated weighted DPW value calculation relation with of phase
Arrival transit bus number
Arrival social vehicle number
Phase state, “1” and “2” represent vehicle arrival during effective green of current phase and conflict phase, respectively
Passenger occupancy of transit bus
The waiting timer of phase
Aging timer to count starvation time of phase
Waiting time threshold
Estimated time for the arrival of the transit bus at the tail of the queue
Distance to stop bar of the transit bus at the tail of the queue