Research Article

Estimating the Value of Statistical Life in a Road Safety Context Based on the Contingent Valuation Method

Table 4

Description of variables (source: authors).


GENGender1 if female, 0 otherwise.
AGEAge group in years1 if 18-29, 2 if 30-39, 3 if 40-54, 4 if >55.
EDUEducational level1 if college diploma and below, 2 if bachelor, 3 if masters, 4 if PhD and above.
SEENAccident seen1 if seen, 0 otherwise.
INVAccident involved1 if involved, 0 otherwise.
MARMarital status1 if married, 0 otherwise.
INCIncome group in ETB1 if less than 5,000, 2 if 5,000-9,999, 3 if 10,000-19,999, 4 if more than 20,000.