Research Article

The Integration of Multimodal Networks: The Generalized Modal Split and Collaborative Optimization of Transportation Hubs

Algorithm 1

Bus route initialization.
(1)for route r from 1 to Rmax
(2) Whether route r needs to construct a new terminal with probability and
(3) Determine the starting and ending node: if new terminal should be built, select a node from CN as the starting node or ending node of route r; if no, then select a node from TN as the starting node or ending node
(4)while the tth node of roue r, is not the , and the route satisfies the route length constraint, bus node repeat constraint, and time < Tmax do
(5)  Find the node set with distance to satisfying the stop distance constraint
(6)  if is empty or all nodes have been visited in
(7)   , t = t-1
(8)  elseif is not empty
(9)   Randomly select a node from that has not been visited
(10)   if
    Mark has been visited and go back to line 6
(11)if route r is feasible then
  Insert route r into initialization solution
(12)elseif route r is infeasible then
  Go back to line 2.