Research Article

Travel Time Reliability Estimation in Urban Road Networks: Utilization of Statistics Distribution and Tensor Decomposition

Table 1

Parameter description.


:Length of time windows
:Total time range for reliability analysis, as the sum of the time windowss
:Total number of vehicles traveling in link during pcu
:Total number of vehicles traveling on the road network during pcu
:Flow in link during pcu/h
:Length of link km
:Delays incurred by vehicle from the time it enters the road network to the time it leaves the networks/pcu
:Travel time of the vehicle from entry to exit from the road networks/pcu
:Ratio of delayed travel time for vehicle
:Vehicle delay and travel time ratio threshold
:Probability that a trip is reliable for all vehicles on the road network
:Probability that the ratio of delayed travel times for all vehicles on the road network is less than a reliability threshold
:TTR of road networks
:Number of vehicles with reliable trips out of the total number of vehicles leaving the network at a given timepcu
:Total number of vehicles leaving the road network at a given timepcu
:Traffic volume of link pcu
:The travel time of link , when the traffic volume of link is s
:Free-flow travel time of link s
:Capacity of link pcu/h
:Measured calibration parameters by travel time in links of the same class
:Model parameters
:Turn correction factor
:Downstream phase green ratio
:The delay of link , when the traffic volume of link is s
:The actual value of the total distance traveled by the vehicle for the corresponding travel timem
:Desired value of the total distance traveled by the vehicle for the corresponding travel timem
:Estimated coefficient of variance
:Tensor with missing data,
:Estimate of
:Sparse tensor of size
:Estimate of
:Binary indicator tensor of the same dimension as
:Factor matrices of tensor on each mode
:Column vector of index of matrix , and
:Singular value of index of estimate matrix
:Hadamard product of tensors, also known as element-wise product
:Outer product of vectors
:Norm of a tensor
:Trace norm