Research Article

Distributed Cooperative Driving Strategy for Connected Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Monte Carlo Method

Algorithm 1

Passing order to trajectory interpretation.
Input: A passing order
Output: The total acceleration adjustments of the covered CAVs and their required acceleration adjustments , respectively
(1)Initialize as 0
(2)for each  [1, length ()] do
(3) = actual_time () − min_time () [35]
(4) adjustment_required = Requirement ()
(5) The Requirement function determines whether needs to make the acceleration adjustment
(6)while adjustment_required do
(7)   = acc_calculate ()
(8)  for each  [, length ()] do
(9)   if  = = then
(10)     + = 
(11)   end if
(12)  end for
(13)  adjustment_required = Requirement ()
(14)end while
(15)end for
(16), ,