Research Article

Mortality among Cancer Patients within 90 Days of Therapy in a Tertiary Hospital, Tanzania: Is Our Pretherapy Screening Effective?

Table 1

Description of type of cancer seen during the study period.

VariableFrequency ()Percent (%)

Gynecological cancers4746
Cancer of the cervix4039
Uterine cancer54.9
Ovarian cancer11
Head and neck cancers1212
Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck54.9
Adenocarcinoma of the head and neck32.9
Nasopharyngeal cancer11
Sinonasal cancer11
Connective tissue cancers (sarcoma)1212
Kaposi’s sarcoma66
Malignant melanoma22
Malignant phyllodes11
Breast cancer1111
Gastrointestinal cancers1010
Hepatocellular cancer44
Pancreatic cancer22
Colon cancer22
Esophageal cancer11
Biliary rhabdomyosarcoma11
Hematolymphoid malignancies66
Hodgkin lymphoma22
Chronic myeloid leukemia11
Acute myeloid leukemia11
Burkitt’s lymphoma11
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma11
Genital and reproductive cancer22
Perianal cancer11
Prostate cancer11
Lung cancer11