Research Article

Effects of Triazole Antifungal Agents on the Plasma Concentration and Dosage of Cyclosporin in Patients with Aplastic Anaemia

Table 2

Effect of POS or FCZ on C/D ratio of CsA in aplastic anaemia patients.

TimeFCZ groupPOS group
C (ng/mL)C/DC (ng/mL)C/D

Without azole co-medication105.91 ± 56.910.54 ± 0.34152.77 ± 55.670.75 ± 0.25
With azole co-medication186.35 ± 66.660.95 ± 0.48<0.001a274.18 ± 163.961.48 ± 0.730.038a
With azole co-medication (1∼7 d)159.10 ± 88.840.77 ± 0.370.007b252.1 ± 160.221.30 ± 0.580.037b
With azole co-medication (8∼21 d)189.12 ± 68.600.95 ± 0.540.005c293.47 ± 147.781.87 ± 1.150.006c

a values for comparisons between with azole co-medication (total) and without azole co-medication. b values for comparisons between with azole co-medication (1–7 d) and without azole co-medication. c values for comparisons between with azole co-medication (8–21 d) and without azole co-medication.