Research Article

Effects of Triazole Antifungal Agents on the Plasma Concentration and Dosage of Cyclosporin in Patients with Aplastic Anaemia

Table 3

Effect of co-administration with triazole antifungal agent drugs on the dose of CsA.

TimeFCZ groupPOS group
D (mg/kg/d)ΔD (mg/kg/d)D (mg/kg/d)ΔD (mg/kg/d)

Without azole co-medication3.50 ± 1.213.38 ± 0.96
With azole co-medication (total)3.39 ± 0.940.09 ± 1.132.99 ± 0.490.40 ± 0.70
With azole co-medication (1–7 d)3.19 ± 0.660.04 ± 0.533.07 ± 0.540.32 ± 0.56
With azole co-medication (8–21 d)3.45 ± 1.130.06 ± 1.392.87 ± 0.541.10 ± 1.06

ΔD = DCsA monotherapy − Dtime of co-administration of triazole antifungal agents.