Research Article

Impact of Resveratrol and Pharmaceutical Care on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Neuropathic Complication: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 4

Severity of diabetic neuropathy assessed by Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MSNI)-history scores of patients with diabetic neuropathic pain before and after administration of resveratrol with and without pharmaceutical care compared to placebo.

Duration (day)Resv (n, %), total n = 25Placebo (n, %), total n = 23Resv + PC (n, %), total n = 25Placebo + PC (n, %), total n = 24

Day-0(0) 0a(5) 20a(20) 80a(0) 0a(4) 17a(19) 83a(0) 0a(5) 20a(20) 80a(0) 0a(1) 4a(23) 96a
Day-30(0) 0a(7) 28a(18) 72a(0) 0a(4) 17a(19) 83a(7) 28b(8) 32a(10) 40b(0) 0a(5) 21a(19) 79a
Day60(8) 32a(12) 48a(5) 20a(0) 0b(5) 22a(18) 78b(15) 60a(7) 28a(3) 12a(0) 0b(4) 17b(20) 83b
Day-90(14) 56a(9) 36a(2) 8a(0) 0b(4) 17a(19) 83b(15) 60a(7) 28a(3) 12a(0) 0b(7) 29a(17) 71b

Values are expressed as number (n) and percentage (%). Chi-square test was used to compare the different groups. Statistical significance was set at value <0.05. <0.05, <0.001, and <0.0001. MNSI: Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument. Significantly different compared to baseline within the same group ; values with nonidentical superscripts (a, b) are significantly different among different groups within the same time . Resv, resveratrol and PC, pharmaceutical care.