Research Article

The Influence of Alpha Kinase 2 Expression on Prognosis in Serous Ovarian Cancer Liver Metastasis

Table 2

Overall survival analyses of OCLM patients.

VariablesCasesOS (months)3 year OS (%) value
(n = 49)Mean ± S.D.

Age (years)0.019
 ≤60 yrs2143.9 ± 4.467.5
 >60 yrs2825.8 ± 4.329.3
 Unilateral1335.2 ± 7.064.3
 Bilateral3635.3 ± 4.144.8
Lymph node status0.827
 Negative1934.8 ± 5.850.5
 Positive3035.3 ± 4.447.7
 Yes4034.8 ± 3.645.4
 No937.2 ± 9.764.8
ALPK2 expression0.027
 Low2441.4 ± 3.962.5
 High2525.1 ± 5.224.1

OCLM, ovarian cancer liver metastases; ALPK2, alpha kinase 2. Note. Data were tested by the two-sided log-rank test P < 0.05 with statistical significance.