Research Article

Use of Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Medicines before and after Initiation of Biological Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Table 3

Changes in analgesic or anti-inflammatory use pre and post biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARD) in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Prior 12 months (index − 12 to index − 1)Post 12 months (index + 1 to index + 12)
Type of initiated bDMARDMedicineAverage month-to-month change (%)Rate ratio (95% CI) valueaAverage month-to-month change (%)Rate ratio (95% CI) valuea

TNFiAny analgesic or anti-inflammatory+1.4%1.014 (1.009; 1.019)<0.0001−1.4%0.986 (0.981; 0.991)<0.0001
Glucocorticoids+3.4%1.034 (1.024; 1.043)<0.0001−3.2%0.968 (0.959; 0.976)<0.0001
Opioids+1.0%1.010 (1.001; 1.020)0.034+0.4%1.004 (0.998; 1.009)0.166
NSAIDs−1.4%0.986 (0.978; 0.994)0.001−1.0%0.990 (0.985; 0.994)<0.0001

Non-TNFAny analgesic or anti-inflammatory+1.0%1.010 (1.003; 1.018)0.009−2.2%0.978 (0.967; 0.990)0.001
Glucocorticoids+1.7%1.017 (1.004; 1.031)0.009−3.8%0.962 (0.946; 0.978)<0.0001
Opioids+0.4%1.004 (0.989; 1.020)0.582−1.4%0.986 (0.971; 1.001)0.063
NSAIDs+0.7%1.007 (0.987; 1.026)0.492−1.1%0.989 (0.971; 1.007)0.227

a value for the ratio of the rate in one month to the rate in the previous month was calculated using a Poisson regression model accounting for over/under dispersion in the data and autoregression. Note. The index month of TNFi or non-TNFi initiation was excluded from the Poisson regression models to allow time for uptake/withdrawal. TNFi ⟶ tumor necrosis factor inhibitor. Non-TNF ⟶ non-tumor necrosis factor. NSAIDs ⟶ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.