Research Article

Bradykinin Protects Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells from High-Glucose-Induced Senescence through B2 Receptor-Mediated Activation of the Akt/eNOS Signalling Pathway

Figure 1

Expression of B2R in CD34+ cells of CBMCs from newborns with or without mothers with GDM. (a) Typical histograms of flow cytometric analysis of B2R expression in CD34+ cells of CBMCs from newborns with or without mothers with GDM. (b) Quantification of B2R expression by flow cytometry. (c) The 8-iso-PGF2α concentration was detected by a Direct 8-iso- PGF2α ELISA kit. (d) NO production was detected by NO assay kit. (e) Correlation between plasma 8-iso-PGF2α concentration and B2R expression. (f) Correlation between plasma NO concentration and B2R expression.