Research Article

Bradykinin Protects Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells from High-Glucose-Induced Senescence through B2 Receptor-Mediated Activation of the Akt/eNOS Signalling Pathway

Figure 4

The role of B2R and NO in the protective effect of BK against senescence in EPCs. (a) Western blotting for B2R and eNOS in EPCs. (b) Representative photomicrographs of SA-β-gal staining in EPCs. (d) Number of senescent cells after treatment. (c, e) ROS generation was analysed by Mito-Sox. (f-i) Western blotting for P-Ser473AKT, T-AKT, and eNOS in EPCs. (j) NO production was detected by NO assay kit. Bars represent the ( versus control; # versus HG; & versus ; ).