Research Article

Numerical Analysis of a Hydrodynamic Herringbone Grooved Journal Bearing

Algorithm 1

Algorithm proposed by Hajam and Bonneau [12].
Input data
 Do until stability of area (breakdown and reforming domain boundary)
  Compute E (modified Reynolds equation)
  Do For each node
   If node is full
    If E < 0
     the node is set to the inactive state
     the node still active
    end if
    If E ≥ 0
     the node is set to the active state
     the node still inactive
    end if
  end if
 Do For each x-coordinate (circumferential direction)
  Do For each z-coordinate (axial direction)
   Determine Zp = the nearest z-coordinate with p = Patm
  Sealing length = Max (Zp)
Write pressure, sealing length, …
End algorithm