Research Article

[Retracted] Effects of Core Stabilization Training on the Cobb Angle and Pulmonary Function in Adolescent Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis

Table 3

Results of MIP and MEP pre and post core stabilization intervention in AIS ().

Respiratory muscle strengthGroupPretreatmentPosttreatmentt value value

MIP (cm H2O)Control group61.12 ± 8.9960.94 ± 7.770.3130.758
CST group60.89 ± 8.0374.11 ± 9.87##ΔΔ−9.072<0.001

MEP (cm H2O)Control group72.67 ± 6.9071.33 ± 7.36##3.6880.002
CST group71.61 ± 8.5184.61 ± 13.04##ΔΔ−5.250<0.001

##, comparison before and after the experiment; ΔΔ, vs. the control group.