Research Article

Awareness of Prostate Cancer among the Sportsmen in the Republic of Serbia

Table 3

Frequencies of respondents related to prostate cancer.

Answers to questions (correct answer is marked with )Respondents (%)

1. Do you know how often prostate cancer occurs?
 Extremely rare14.3
2. Do you know which age group is the most vulnerable when it comes to prostate cancer?
 Do not know29.6
 Younger people1.0
 People older than 50 years69.4
3. Does prostate cancer have clear symptoms that indicate that the doctor’s help is needed?
 No, they are mild so can be overlooked31.6
 No clear symptoms33.7
4. Can prostate cancer be diagnosed and treated?
5. Do you think it is necessary to visit a doctor preventativelyabout the prostate cancer?
6. If I start to take supplements for the prostate on time, can I prevent prostate diseases?
7. Have you heard about PSA markers?