Review Article

Exploring the Potential of Treating Sarcopenia through Dietary Interventions

Table 1

Sarcopenia diagnostic and therapeutic impacts of alternative and complementary therapies.

TreatmentPopulation (age group)OutcomesReferences

Coffee10–75 yearsAutophagy was induced, insulin sensitivity was improved, glucose uptake was stimulated, and the advancement of sarcopenia was slowed[33]
Intermittent vitaminOver the age of 50 with type 2 diabetesDoses of 942 IU/day increased isometric handgrip strength while having no effect on glycemic control[26]
Lean red meat50–65 yearsIncreased lean tissue mass and muscle strength, as well as a decrease in circulating interleukin-6 concentrations[12]
Lysine-arginine12–65 yearsStrengthening in individuals who have clinical deficiency in vitamin D[20]
Resistance training15–70 yearsMuscle mass and strength gain, which can be aided by nutritional intervention[11]
Vitamin D335–50 yearsThe chair stand test revealed enhanced anterior muscle strength and improved lower-extremity function[27]