Research Article

[Retracted] The Mental Health and Grade Point Average among College Students from Lower Socioeconomic Status Based on Healthcare Data Analysis

Table 1

Clinical variables in LSES and HSES groups (N = 1141).

VariablesLSES (N = 640)HSES (N = 501)T
Mean (sd)Mean (sd)

State anxiety40.164 (9.163)38.607 (9.692)2.7770.006
Trait anxiety40.842 (8.600)39.471 (9.007)2.6180.009
Self-esteem17.014 (3.659)18.395 (4.359)−5.8160.000
Depression7.153 (6.520)5.886 (6.098)3.3510.001
Internet addiction41.288 (11.439)37.749 (11.576)5.1590.000
Significant other support19.222 (5.316)20.653 (5.241)−4.5400.000
Family support20.219 (5.147)21.253 (5.277)−3.3330.001
Friend support21.291 (4.467)22.359 (4.120)−4.1490.000
GPA2.686 (0.671)2.991 (0.682)−7.5670.000

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